The scope of the budget is detailed below:

Step Action
Steps 2-5:
Locate stones, buy ones that need to be bought, relocate them to the new or safer place.

We have spent an average of US$15 for each of the stones. Some we can pick up for free, others we will have to buy. We expect to find a couple hundred.

Price estimate includes translator, labor, truck and safe place to hold the stones until a new place will be offered.

US$ 5,000
Step 6: Documentation in photos and video.
Step 7: Restore stones. Includes labor and materials.
Step 8: Build website. Includes buying domain name, design, labor and maintenance of the site.
Step 9: Publish book. Soft cover, black and white. Text and pictures and printing in China.

The book sales should cover higher expenses.

Step 10: Complete documentary for display in Jewish museums and potentially in the site where we will display the stones.

Most of the material has already been shot. The majority of future expenses due to post-production editing.

US$ 20,000
* To develop an actual memorial site in Shanghai more funds are necessary !
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