Fineland Leib son of Zvi. The stone is now located in the
Buddhist cemetery in the west of Shanghai. This place use
to be International cemetery until the cultural revolution
of China. In 1958, all the four Jewish cemeteries in Shanghai
moved to this international cemetery in the west of the
city. During the cultural revolution all the western graves
in this place where destoried. The headstones located in
this place at the moment were placed there by the local
authorities by request of the Israeli consulate of Shanghai
after we showed them many lost Jewish headstones that can
be found in the villages west of the city.The English scription
says:"In memory of our beloved husband father and grandfather."
Grandaughter Bella Lives in California. Leib Fineland died
in Shanghai at the age of 57.
the family
Leib Ben Zvi Fineland was born in Odessa, Russia on September
4, 1882. He married Eva Ilyinichna Pertzina in Odessa, Russia,
on December 4, 1903. They had three sons – Simon (Sima)
born December 4, 1904, Michael (Misha) born April 1, 1909
and Ilya (Ilyusha) born February 18, 1913.
In 1923, the Finelands left Odessa for Harbin, China due
to extreme hardships of life during the Russian Revolution
(including famine) and lack of employment for Jews. Leib
Ben Zvi chose to move to Harbin because he had an older
brother living there already.
In 1927, the Finelands moved from Harbin to Shanghai, China.
Leib Ben Zvi was an engineer by profession. However, he
became ill at an early age (heart problems) and was unable
to work. The parents lived with their sons who supported
The youngest son, Ilyusha Fineland, returned to Russia in
1937 and was never heard from again.
Michael Fynland, the middle son, moved to Tientsin, China
in 1929. Michael was an accountant for Ed. Evans & Sons,
Booksellers until 1935. That year, he established his own
import-export business, M.L. Fynland Co., eventually moving
the business to Shanghai in 1939. Michael maintained his
import-export business until November 6, 1949 when the family,
including his mother Eva Ilyinichna, immigrated to Ramat-Gan,
Israel. In Israel, Michael Fynland was Deputy Chief Accountant
and then Economic Adviser and Controller for El-Al Israel
Airlines. In 1957, Michael and his wife, Rebecca (Riva)
moved to Tokyo, Japan, where he worked in the import-export
pearl business. In 1961, they moved to Toronto, Canada,
where Michael was Manager of the El-Al Israel Airlines Office
until his death in 1965.
Simon Fineland, the oldest son, worked in business and administrative
positions for G. E. Marden Shipping Co., a British firm,
till his departure from Shanghai with his family to Europe
in February 1949. The family arrived in Ramat-Gan, Israel
in July, 1949. In Israel, Simon worked as a Controller for
El-Al Israel Airlines until his departure for Montreal,
Canada in 1952. In Montreal, Simon Fineland represented
El-Al Israel Airlines until his death in 1979.
Simon Fineland was married to Sonia Nessinbaum on October
19, 1927 in Shanghai and they had one daughter, Bella. Bella
and her late husband, Martin, have two children, Janie and
Larry, and one grandson, Danny. Bella Fineland Berkovitch
now lives in Burlingame, California.
Michael Fynland was married to Rebecca (Riva) Gershenkop
on April 19, 1932 in Tientsin, China. They had one daughter,
Sophie. Sophie and her late husband, Joseph, have one daughter,
Ruthie. Sophie Fynland Souroujon now lives in Oakland, California.
Leib Ben Zvi Fineland died in Shanghai, China (of heart
failure) on June 14, 1939. Eva Ilyinichna Fineland died
in Israel on August 23, 1957. Michael Fynland died in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, on December 19, 1965 (heart failure). Simon
Fineland died in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on August 28,
1979 (heart failure).
Leib Ben Zvi was a master chess-player who played with some
of the greatest players of his time. His three sons inherited
their father’s love and skill in playing chess.
*NOTE: Fainland, Fynland, Fineland – interchangeable
family names. In 1923, when the family arrived in Harbin,
China from Odessa, Russia, the Chinese immigration authorities
decided that “Fainland” or “Fynland”
would be the most appropriate English translations of the
Russian-language name “Fineland”. Leib Zvi and
Eva Ilyinichna ended up with the name ‘Fainland”,
Michael chose “Fynland” and Simon chose “Fineland”.