Elizabeth Sametz's daughter of Muller. The scription is
well kept but one piece of the stone is missing. The stone
is now located in the Buddhist cemetery in the west of Shanghai.
This place use to be International cemetery until the cultural
revolution of China. In 1958, all the four Jewish cemeteries
in Shanghai moved to this international cemetery in the
west of the city. During the cultural revolution all the
western graves in this place where destoried. The headstones
located in this place at the moment were placed there by
the local authorities by request of the Israeli consulate
of Shanghai after we showed them many lost Jewish headstones
that can be found in the villages west of the city. . Elizabeth
died in Shanghai at the age of 47. Son Eric Sametz was located
in Sydney by Dr. Andrew Jacobowitz.
the family
Elizabeth Muler was born on the 8th March, 1895 in a small
town in the district of Moravia in what is now the Czech
Republic, a family of four children, three girls and one
boy. Czechoslovakia, Austria and Hungary at that time were
all part of the Austro-Hungarien empire under the rule of
Kaiser Franz-Joseph, one believes that life was pleasant
and comfortable, their religion was secondary in their life
brother and one sister and the parents perished during the
Holocaust, the other sister fled to France. It is not known
when Elizabeth came to Vienna, nor how, nor where she met
her husband Rudi but they had a comfortable home, a very
large and elegant flat in the 9th District and also a shop
selling ladies clothing, they seemed to have led a cultured
and civilized life, there was always a maid and frequent
holidays to various resorts in Europe.
the mid 1930's life began to be less pleasant. The political
climate in Europe was exactly right for the rise to power
of a lunatic like Adolf Hilter and the Christian population
of most European countries were anit-sematic.
In March 1938 the Germans marched into Austria and daily
life became extremely difficult for the Jews remaining,
these who could possibly leave went and the remainder were
desperate to do so, the Sametz family had no sponsors or
opportunity to enter U.S.A., or Israel or Australia etc.
the 10th November, 1938 there was a serious program, everybody
knows about Kyrstallnacht Rudolp Sametz was arrested and
at that time given a choice of leaving the country immediately
abandoning all possessions or going to a camp, naturally
they left with one suitcase each. The Sametz family Rudolf,
Elizabeth, daughter Hedy and son Erich left by ship, via
Italy, for Shanghai,China. Shanghai at that time was an
international port and gave sancturay to about 25,000 European
Jews fleeing for their lives from the Holocaust, they were
stateless and had limited funds. As they settled there being
resourceful they became self-sufficient not a financial
burden to their
adopted country, an American organisation called the J.O.I.M.T.
Funded by Switzerland, provided a hostel for the seriously
destitute. Fortunately a friend of Rudolf had just left
for England and Rudi gave him 200 English pounds, a fortune
at that time, he sent it to him in Shanghai and they were
able to find a place to live and a small shop. A great deal
has been written about the Refugee community in Shanghai
they did adapt, they had a newspaper, cafes, sporting clubs
and some sort of life, it was certainly an improvement on
what fate befell many millions of others. Elizabeth was
43 years old when the family arrived in China, one presumes
that the difficulties of day to day living, that is limited
food and poor standard of housing, financial problems etc,
etc, adversely affected her health, the family believe that
her heart was not strong.
1942 she was bitten by a flea which came from vernin. She
contracted typhoid fever and was hospitalised. The medical
care for the refugees was not of a high standard and sadly
a few days later on 19/6/42 she passed away aged 47 and
was buried in the Jewish Section of the cemetery in Baikal
Japanese occupied Shanghai in 1942, later the refugees were
obliged to move to a ghetto like area called Honkew, standard
of living dropped appreciably, they were also bombed by
the Americans who knew nothing of their existence. During
this period the cemetery was resumed, probably in the fifties,
most of the refugees left in the mid to late forties so
no dated or procedures about the cemetery are known. The
Sametz's came to Sydney in December 1946 Hedy Porges and
her brother Erich Sametz still reside in Sydney.