Varon Sara daughter of Abraham. We found her stone very early
in our research in Nov. 2001. At that time with another stone
they were about to cover a sewage pit. We asked the landlord
not to use the headstone to cover the sewage pit. Few monthes
later when we came to pick up these stones, we found that
the landlord did not use them to cover the sewage and he was
very kind to give us the two stones he hold. Sara died in
Shanghai in the age of 41.
From the family
" Dear Dvir
It is quite incredible.! The stone you have is my grandmothers as my mother
, Vera has a photo of the complete grave. She took this photo just prior to
leaving Shanghai in 1949. She left with her father, Shimon and brother
George and settled in Israel where she was married to Simon Karlikoff who
also had lived in Shanghai. My brother and I were born in Israel. The family
immigrated to Sydney, Australia in 1955. My grandfather Shimon died in
Sydney 8th July 1964. George married Mary Fligil in Israel, Mary was also
from China of Russian background. They have two sons, Sam and Sol. They too
live in Sydney.
My brother and I returned to Shanghai in 1995 with my parents and although
we looked for the grave we could not find, it now we know why."